Pulse Wave Analysis Screening

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease can start as early as the second decade of your life and is directly related to your lifestyle choices and your genetics. Although this may seem scary, it is possible to identify signs of cardiovascular disease and the good news is that by following the right interventions this can greatly reduce your chance of heart attack or stroke. While traditional heart tests could be painful and expensive we are now able to understand the health of both your heart and arteries by using a scientifically validated TGA/FDA approved pulse wave analysis (PWA) machine.


PWA Screening

PWA machines analyse the shape of the pulse wave generated by the heart and work very similarly to a traditional blood pressure test whereby a cuff is attached to your arm and inflated. This wave is made up of the wave coming out from the heart and the reflected wave back from the peripheral blood vessels. The greater the reflected wave, the stiffer the blood vessels are and the more likely you are to be at increased risk.

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Uscom BP+

In your appointment we will be using the Uscom BP+ PWA—a supra-systolic oscillomeric central blood pressure (cBP) device which measures blood pressure and blood pressure waveforms at the heart, as well as in the arm (information only previously available using invasive cardiac cathetarisation). While traditional blood pressure tests monitor the brachial blood pressure, a PWA test is able to monitor the central systolic pressure –which is the central blood pressure that affects the internal organs. This is much more accurate identifier of heart health and is one of the most important measurements we will be taking in your appointment. To find out more about the BP+ machine please follow this link to their website https://www.uscom.com.au/


What Measurements Are Taken?

Following your PWA test, the Cardiaction heart screening process is structured around identifying your:

  • Arterial stiffness/resistance and the augmentation pressure

  • Central systolic pressure

  • Ejection duration

  • Heart rate, rhythm and pulse pressure

  • Oxygenation of the heart muscle

 These factors are the vital biomarkers that our research has shown can reflect how healthy your heart and arteries are. From your results we are able to give you personalised lifestyle recommendations which are scientifically validated in order to improve your heart and artery health and is easily accessible through your Cardiaction app. PWA tests are a very simple and effective way of getting a comprehensive overview of how healthy and efficient your heart and arteries are and you should have a check-up screening at least once a year. Best of all, by using Cardiaction you are able to track and monitor your PWA results which is great motivation either to improve your health or to make sure that this is maintained!

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A few facts to be aware of…

  • Conventional testing and algorithms pick up 50% of those at risk. A PWA test can pick up an extra 25-35% but we are still missing the others. Some of these risks can be linked to strong genetic issues or infections and will not be identified by this technology.

  • The results of the machine can vary (very similarly to how your blood pressure can vary depending on real time factors such as recent foods, stress, caffeine levels, etc). We will give you more than one PWA to rule out any anomaly results.

  • Please note that this test is for screening purposes only. We are not able to diagnose you with any medical conditions but if you have any further concerns we encourage you to take your results to your doctor.